Austrian Summer Schools 2012

Vienna and Austria are host to numerous summer programs from Austrian or international institutions of higher learning, some of which we list here. These programs focus on many different fields of inquiry, ranging from languages to international relations and music.

The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (Vienna School of International Studies), founded in 1754, is the oldest school of international relations in the world and today continues to educate succesful leaders on the international stage. The Academy offers three programs: A Master of Advanced International Studies (MAIS), a Master of Science in Environmental Technology and International Affairs (ETIA), and the classic Diploma Program in international and European studies. In addition, the Academy also offers summer courses for German language and Austrian Studies. Situated in one of Europe’s most vibrant great capital cities, the Academy invites applications from all over the world. To learn more about these programs, please visit the academy online at 

Another program also did catch our attention – a Summer University held in Vienna entitled Green Building Solutions. The program is jointly offered by six universities – Technical University Vienna, the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Business Administration, as well as the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Modul University, and Danube University of Krems, Austria.

In concert, these institutions provide students with their combined, unique expertise in ecology and engineering, bundled into a three-week program in Vienna, a hotbed of energy efficient building. Austria is a pioneer and leader in the Passivhaus-Technolgy, the leading standard for energyefficient building solutions; this is highlighted by the fact that 3.2 million square meters out of a total of 7 million square meters of Passivhaus floorspace in Europe can be found in Austria. The program aims to train specialized skills needed in both planning and execution of Passivhaus projects, accompanied by introductions to sustainable architecture and urban development. Students will investigate leading examples, learn about ecological building materials and the inclusion of renewable energies into the Passivhaus.

Training is provided by leading experts from the six-university consortium, and students get to experience living in a Passivhaus themselves for the duration of the program. Application Deadline is May 15, 2012. For detailed information, visit the program online at vienna.

In addition, many institutions of higher learning offer summer schools in various disciplines all over Austria and we present you with a selection on the next page. If you are thinking about combining a visit to Austria with some academic benefits, maybe one of those is for you.

Hannes Richter